Living the brand

The brand comes alive

The Vision: To live the brand.
Newable was embarking on a transformation programme to support ambitious growth objectives. As a result, headcount and the range of product and services were expanding rapidly. The company wanted to ensure that during the scale up period, its values and the associated behavioural framework were clearly understood and manifested consistently across the business.
I worked closely with colleagues from HR and the Leadership Team to bring the values to life in a very natural way and celebrate and promote exemplar performance. Core information was communicated regularly through the new intranet (MyNewable) and Town Hall meetings. We supplemented this with a “our people, our heroes” internal campaign, featuring staff photography in prominent location and the launch of a Values Awards programme.
The Reality: Employee engagement was tracked through staff surveys and improved significantly over the campaign period. Engagement is now benchmarked against national measures and Newable achieved “one’s to watch” in The Sunday Times Best Companies to work for listings. Meanwhile the Values Awards have become an annual activity achieving large year on year increases in nominations coming from staff. ​​​​​​​

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